Nuts for 2025
*Nuts are an investment in the long term. Trees need time to mature before they can reliably produce mature fruit. Protect the harvest from squirrels and birds.*
Hazelnuts/Filberts (Corylus avellana)
Plant in very moist, fertile, well-drained soil for best results. A full-sun to part-shade site should be chosen for optimal results. Hazelnuts are not pollinated by our native Filbert.
Jefferson: Thought to be the best all-around hazelnut variety for commercial or home growers in the USA. Extreme disease resistance; immune to Filbert Blight. Produces heavy yields of large nuts that consistently fill out their shells. An Oregon State University introduction. Pollinated by Theta & McDonald.
McDonald: Very disease resistant, early cropping, consistently productive with consistent quality and good flavor. Plant with Jefferson, Eta and/or Theta for cross-pollination.
Walnuts require two varieties for cross pollination. They also require patience, as they may not begin bearing until after 10 years of establishment.
Cascade: Manregian x Russian. Thin shell, excellent buttery flavor from plump, light colored kernels. Fast growing, large tree. Self-fertile but much better with a pollinizer.
Carpathian: English type, very cold-hardy, excellent quality hard nut.
Chestnut Colossal: Exceptionally large nuts of good quality. Sweet flavor, smooth texture and easy to peel. Early ripening. Plant with Nevada Chestnut for cross-pollination.
Nevada Chestnut: An attractive, large spreading tree with tropical looking, glossy green leaves and showy, fragrant, yellow catkins. Medium sized, very sweet tasting nut. Plant at least two different trees to cross pollinate. Good pollinizer for Colossal.