Entries by Calluna Silva

Orchard Mason Bee Basics

Mason Bees have created quite a buzz these past few years, becoming popular with gardeners, farmers, orchardists, and stewards of our native habitats – with good reason! They are excellent pollinators, pollinating 95% of flowers they visit vs. honeybees’ 5%. This means more pollination from fewer bees, in fact it’s been found that 250 female […]

Bare Root Edibles 2024

We’ve pulled together a list of links to each of our bare root fruit and veggie related blogs for 2024 to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for! Read about the varieties we are carrying this year, including pollination charts and root stock information here: PlumsPearsApplesCherriesPeach, Apricot & NectarineOddballs, Combos and […]

Keep the Harvest Going

As the hint of fall rolls in with the cooler nights and shorter days, we begin to reap the benefits of all our hard work this spring and summer. We turn our thoughts to harvesting, preserving and utilizing all the fruits of our labors, which in itself can be a big task. If you’re looking […]

10 Reasons to Love Annuals

Annuals are plants that complete their entire life cycle in one year, from seed to full grown plant, to making new seeds before they die. This means that they have great impetus to grow quickly, bloom profusely, attract pollinators, and create as much seed as possible in their short lifetime. With proper care most of […]

Planting a Vegetable Garden in the Pacific Northwest

Here in the temperate Pacific Northwest, we have conditions favorable for a lot of great edible plants, but more challenging for others. We can grow cool season veggies like nobody’s business. Peas, lettuces, collards, kale, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and the like are made for our weather. We struggle more with veggies that like heat […]